SendPulse Service REST API
Our API interface is used to integrate SendPulse’s distribution service capabilities with client’s personal projects. The API is designed for developers and is accompanied by detailed documentation.
SendPulse’s REST API works over the HTTPS protocol and is essentially a set of methods used to perform requests and receive responses for each operation. All answers return in the form of JSON structures.
The request limit is 10 requests per second.
Cross Domain Queries (jQuery Ajax Example) are not allowed.
SendPulse API libraries
The latest versions of SendPulse API client libraries are available at GitHub.
- PHP wrapper
- Python wrapper
- Ruby wrapper
- Java wrapper
- Node.js wrapper
- C# wrapper
- Go wrapper (third-party solution)
You can also check other third-party solutions on Github.
Base URL
All references to API requests in this document include the root URL: |
The authorization process requires a personal key for signing each further API request.
The necessary parameters to obtain a key can be found in the private account settings page found on the following URL in the API tab.
To get the key you have to send a POST request to: |
Request parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
grant_type | string | Has to be equal to client_credentials |
required |
client_id | string | Your ID | required |
client_secret | string | Your Secret | required |
Request example:
If request is successful, you will receive a response:
"access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImp0aSI6IjI5NTQ4NDVjZWJlZjg5Nzk0YmYzMzk4ZDdiNTQ3OTA2MWUzNDQ2N2I5NTUwMmFlNzE1YmViZmU4MDBmNTMxMjIxMTU2MTcyOWM2MjI5NGRjIn0.eyJhdWQiOiIyMzdiNGFmOWM5OWQwZjg5YmRiZDg3NmRjZDVhMDE3ZiIsImp0aSI6IjI5NTQ4NDVjZWJlZjg5Nzk0YmYzMzk4ZDdiNTQ3OTA2MWUzNDQ2N2I5NTUwMmFlNzE1YmViZmU4MDBmNTMxMjIxMTU2MTcyOWM2MjI5NGRjIiwiaWF0IjaaNjI0NTI0OTA0LCJuYmYiOjE2MjQ1MjQ5MDQsImV4cCI6MTYyNDUyODUwNCwic3ViIjoiIiwic2NvcGVzIjpbXSwidXNlciI6eyJpZCI6Njc0MTgwNCwiZ3JvdXBfaWQiOm51bGwsInBhcmVudF9pZCI6bnVsbCwiYXJlYSI6InJlc3QifX0.jiP3Sv7IF1mHGmW0oGIrPAw0oOiIEnC8Tb6wlWu5eVM2UrHL6RZsDlIslLSQNEvL_e50nDlgtgyfX5Qty4qlQ4XyW53FAgjwHbyQG7DJ6iVRAtVBtFNbkFVNbHvKw8zQy7WyxhICpAF8zdF8-gBHBnzuMhKSnASYEosJ9IAPqUkxQXrd8LpUSk-etzjEqcpMkbGj2M7Y0OxO4_BfRhVNU6ZcbiawD09m0A9uWoSnoZKxXw0o64PE3anJta6lFns5SDuyeGxanOtuZSS5I3umI2OOnUVzNG9_5WjCe6LPVQLAPAPt0m8S5WkI35_jCJ0A-gDBBdsgnUudGCvsDcgEog",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3600
A sample key:
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImp0aSI6IjI5NTQ4NDVjZWJlZjg5Nzk0YmYzMzk4ZDdiNTQ3OTA2MWUzNDQ2N2I5NTUwMmFlNzE1YmViZmU4MDBmNTMxMjIxMTU2MTcyOWM2MjI5NGRjIn0.eyJhdWQiOiIyMzdiNGFmOWM5OWQwZjg5YmRiZDg3NmRjZDVhMDE3ZiIsImp0aSI6IjI5NTQ4NDVjZWJlZjg5Nzk0YmYzMzk4ZDdiNTQ3OTA2MWUzNDQ2N2I5NTUwMmFlNzE1YmViZmU4MDBmNTMxMjIxMTU2MTcyOWM2MjI5NGRjIiwiaWF0IjaaNjI0NTI0OTA0LCJuYmYiOjE2MjQ1MjQ5MDQsImV4cCI6MTYyNDUyODUwNCwic3ViIjoiIiwic2NvcGVzIjpbXSwidXNlciI6eyJpZCI6Njc0MTgwNCwiZ3JvdXBfaWQiOm51bGwsInBhcmVudF9pZCI6bnVsbCwiYXJlYSI6InJlc3QifX0.jiP3Sv7IF1mHGmW0oGIrPAw0oOiIEnC8Tb6wlWu5eVM2UrHL6RZsDlIslLSQNEvL_e50nDlgtgyfX5Qty4qlQ4XyW53FAgjwHbyQG7DJ6iVRAtVBtFNbkFVNbHvKw8zQy7WyxhICpAF8zdF8-gBHBnzuMhKSnASYEosJ9IAPqUkxQXrd8LpUSk-etzjEqcpMkbGj2M7Y0OxO4_BfRhVNU6ZcbiawD09m0A9uWoSnoZKxXw0o64PE3anJta6lFns5SDuyeGxanOtuZSS5I3umI2OOnUVzNG9_5WjCe6LPVQLAPAPt0m8S5WkI35_jCJ0A-gDBBdsgnUudGCvsDcgEog
The resulting key is valid for 1 hour and does not require additional requests for each operation. A request for a new key must be sent before the current key expires.
The key code (token) must be sent in the header of all requests except for requests for getting the token itself (when the key is not required).
Request limits
There are limits and quotas on SendPulse API requests to protect the system from receiving more data than it can handle and ensure an equitable distribution of the system resources. API limits per minute and per day depend on the category of your selected pricing plan
General quota limits
The following quotas apply to sending API requests:
Pricing Plan Category | Requests Per Minute | Requests Per Day | Pricing Plan in Services |
Free | 1,000 | 500,000 | All free pricing plans in the SMTP, Landing Page, Push, and Chatbot services |
Standard | 2,000 | 1 million | All pricing plans between "Free" and "Enterprise" |
Enterprise | 3,000 | 3 millions | For Email and Landing Pages services with the “Enterprise” category and for the Push service with the “Pro” category and with more than 50,000 subscribers;
for the Chatbot service with the “Pro” category with more than 5,000 subscribers; |
Exceeding quota limits
If you exceed this quota, the API returns the following error:
429 Too many requests
To be able to send more requests, you need to upgrade your current pricing plan.
Error codes and descriptions
Error code | Description |
8 | No data |
10 | Sender email address missing |
11 | Can’t find recipients addresses |
13 | Empty email message content field |
14 | Can’t find email address with the specified ID |
17 | Can’t find the email address |
19 | Email address already exists |
20 | Using free email services (not allowed) |
21 | No such email address awaiting activation |
97 | Invalid email address type. Using free email services is not allowed. |
201 | Empty mailing list name |
203 | This mailing list name already exists |
211 | Mailing list empty |
213 | Mailing list not found |
303 | Can’t find email addresses in the mailing list |
400 | Specified SMTP user doesn’t exist. Create an SMTP account. |
502 | Can’t find the email address |
602 | Can’t find the campaign. Probably, it has already been sent. |
701 | Sender email address or name not specified. |
703 | Can’t find the mailing list |
704 | Can’t find the sender |
707 | Account balance depleted |
711 | Wait 15 minutes before sending to the same list again |
720 | Empty subject field |
721 | Email message empty |
722 | Mailing list ID not specified |
791 | API-campaigns limit exceeded (5 per hour) |
799 | Incorrect date format. Use YYYY-MM-DD hh:ii:ss that equals or greater than the current date |
800 | Invalid operation |
802 | Campaign not found |
901 | Sender name not specified |
902 | Selected email address already in use |
903 | Sender email address not specified |
904 | Email address blacklisted |
905 | Sender address quota reached |
906 | Email address syntax error |
1101 | Email address not specified |
1003 | The specified sender doesn’t exist |
1004 | The activation code has been sent. Wait 15 minutes to retry |
1005 | Error sending confirmation |
1104 | Activation code not specified |
2020202020 | More than 10 requests per second |